Below is a link to a map showing our service boundaries. In June 2022, letters were sent to customers outside of these boundaries letting them know we would no longer be providing boiler/plumbing services to their property. If they have a PM contract in place, we will continue servicing them until it is up for renewal, at which time, we will expire the contract. Exceptions to these boundaries include Extended Stay Hotels, Cheesecake Factories and California Pizza Kitchens. Water treatment service will still be provided to customer outside our Plumbing/Boiler boundaries.
Boundaries are for Boiler, Plumbing and HVAC
Water Treatment does not have Service Boundaries
Properties outside our boundaries that we will continue to service:
Extended Stay Hotels​
Cheesecake Factory Restaurants
California Pizza Kitchen Restaurants​​
If you are unsure - call your supervisor
Use the link below to view the map boundaries. Move around to find your branch and Zoom in to see greater detail.