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System of central compressor machine par

HVAC Services Now Available!

All Heating, Cooling

and Venting Needs


Technician is checking air conditioner ,

Benrich family of companies provides repair, replacement and maintenance for all your heating/cooling/venting needs.

Now Offering!

Technician servicing a boiler

Benrich provides expert repair, maintenance and installation services for all major brands of boilers and water heaters.

Benrich specializes in a variety of water treatment options to protect your piping from leaks, scale and corrosion.

Scale build-up in piping
Plumber jetting a drain line

Benrich provides extensive plumbing services from the smallest leak to the largest emergency.


Year Established


Years in Business


Service Vehicles


Branch Offices

Large Coverage

"We were so happy with Benrich, [they] now service all our locations in California [and] Arizona.  All around this is the best company that I have worked with.  Benrich and their representatives will always make sure that your property is taken care of."

— Christine Klekovic

          Extended Stay Hotels


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